Loving Arizona and Missing Hawaii

Friday, September 17, 2010


oh, my sweet baby!

So, when I got out of the shower today, I went to check on the kids... I usually do, just to be sure everyone is still alive and kickin. This time I couldn't find Noah. There weren't many places he could have gone... I had locked the gate in the hall. Catherine and Ethan didn't know where he was. I was beginning to panic, especially since he usually shows up pretty soon after calling his name. I had the thought to check my closet... the door was closed and I wasn't sure if it was closed or not before I got into the shower. I opened the door... thunk. right into his little sleeping head! My poor baby! He had shut himself in there with the light off, and apparently thought since he couldn't figure his way out and couldn't see anything to get into, he might as well catch a few winks until someone came around to rescue him. What a little doll. It was the saddest and cutest thing ever! He's so darling. I just can't figure out why he can open doors when he wants to get into something, but can't figure out to open them to get out... maybe because it was pitch black?

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